
The Quantitative real-time PCR Standard products are quantitative real-time PCR standards for use with ingenetix BactoReal, ViroReal and ParoReal Kits. The standards contain a fragment of DNA or RNA at a concentration of 10^7 copies/μl. The standard curve has been determined using Applied Biosystems 7500 System (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and Mx3005P QPCR System (Agilent) instruments.

For futher instruction please refer to the corresponding BactoReal, ViroReal and ParoReal Kits manual.

Order No Product Detection of Related Products
PC400 BactoReal® Brachyspira hyodysenteriae Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC500 BactoReal® Brachyspira pilosicoli Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC700 ParoReal® Histomonas meleagridis Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC130 ViroReal® Influenza A Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC200 BactoReal® Lawsonia intracellularis Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC300 BactoReal® Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC1001 MycoReal® Nosema ceranae Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC1000 MycoReal® Nosema apis Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC100 ViroReal® PCV2 Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC900 BactoReal® Pseudomonas aeruginosa Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC600 BactoReal® Salmonella enterica Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC800 BactoReal® Staphylococcus spp. Standard 10^7 copies/µl
PC120 BactoReal® Streptococcus spp. Standard 10^7 copies/µl