Background:  Malpighamoebia mellificae​ is related to the family of ​Amoebidae​ and effects, as a single-celled parasite, the excretory organs (malphigian tubules) of adult bees, but only of the western honeybee ​Apis mellifera​​. The intake cysts develop into trophozoites and damage the epithelia of the tubule. That causes disbalance between excretion and haemolymph exchange and leads to amoebiasis, that increases sudden mortality. Since the phase of excreting cysts is intermittent, or could even not happen during a longer period, there is a lack of microscopy detection. Often co-infections with Nosema are observed.


​​ParoReal® Kit Malpighamoeba mellificae uses real-time PCR for the detection of the rRNA gene of Malpighamoeba mellificae. Our carefully designed primers and probe ensure highest sensitivity and specificity. The kit consists of an assay mix for the detection of the pathogen as well as a positive control and an internal positive control (IPC) system. To minimize PCR cross-contamination, the included reaction mix contains dUTP and uracil-N glycosylase (UNG).

ParoReal® Kit Malpighamoeba mellificae
Order Number Reactions Channel Pathogen Channel IPC Target
DVEP00813 100 FAM Cy5 rRNA gene
DVEP00853 50 FAM Cy5 rRNA gene
For veterinary use only
Shipping Temperature: -20 °C to +4 °C
Product Features:
  • Amplification and detection: rRNA gene of Malpighamoeba mellificae 
  • Real-time PCR with rapid hot-start Taq DNA polymerase 
  • ROX dye as passive reference 
  • Internal Positive Control System to exclude false-negative results 
  • Optimized to handle PCR inhibitors 
  • PCR- platforms: runs on all established standard real-time PCR- platforms 
  • Harmonized thermal profiles to run RNA and DNA samples simultaneously
  • PCR platforms: ParoReal® Kit Malpighamoeba mellificae was validated with the ABI® 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (fast cycle parameters are not supported, Thermo Fisher Scientific) and was also tested with QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System (Thermo Fisher Scientific). It is also compatible with other real-time PCR instruments which detect and differentiate fluorescence in FAM and Cy5 channel (eg. QuantStudio™ 5/6/7 Real-Time PCR System (Thermo Fisher Scientific), qTOWER3G (Analytik Jena), Mic instrument (bio molecular systems), cobas z 480 Analyzer (Roche)).

    BactoReal®, MycoReal®, ParoReal® and ViroReal® Kits run with the same thermal cycling conditions.