Background:  The genus Pestivirus is composed of four important pathogens: bovine viral diarrhea virus 1 and 2 (BVDV-1 and BVDV-2), classical swine fever virus (CSFV), and border disease virus of sheep (BDV). Recently a new putative pestivirus species called “HoBi-like,” “BVDV-3,” or “atypical pestivirus,” was identified. The BVD virus is a single strain, positive-sense RNA virus found throughout the world and causes bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD). BVD is a disease of cattle, which causes various clinical syndromes including diarrhea, mucosal disease, reproductive dysfunctions and/or hemorrhagic syndrome. Prenatal infection by BVD results in cattles permanently infected (BVD-PI). Such animals carry the virus throughout their lifetime and constantly secrete large numbers of viral particles.

Description:  ViroReal® Kit BVD Virus uses one-step reverse transcription RT real-time PCR for the detection of 5´UTR of BVDV-1, BVDV-2 and BVDV-3. Our carefully designed primers and probe ensure highest sensitivity and specificity. The kit consists of an assay mix for the detection of the pathogen as well as a positive control and an internal positive control (IPC). Reverse transcription and PCR can be performed in one reaction well.

ViroReal® Kit BVD Virus (FLI)
Order Number Reactions Channel Pathogen Channel IPC Target
DVEV04613 100 FAM Cy5 5´UTR
DVEV04653 50 FAM Cy5 5´UTR
Kit approved by Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute
Shipping Temperature: -20 °C dry ice
Product Features:
  • Amplification and detection: 5´UTR of BVD Virus
  • Transcription with thermostable MMLV Reverse Transcriptase (M-MLV)
  • contains RNase Inhibitor to block RNA degradation
  • Real-time PCR with rapid hot-start Taq DNA polymerase
  • ROX™ dye as passive reference
  • Internal Positive Control System to exclude false-negative results
  • Optimized to handle RT-PCR inhibitors
  • PCR- platforms: runs on all established standard real-time PCR- platforms
  • Harmonized thermal profiles to run RNA and DNA samples simultaneously
  • FLI certified

PCR platforms: ViroReal® Kit BVD Virus is developed and validated for the Applied Biosystems® 7500 System (Thermo Fisher Scientific), LightCycler® 480 (Roche) and Mx3005P® QPCR System (Agilent), but is also suitable for other real-time PCR instruments.

BactoReal® , MycoReal® , ParoReal® and ViroReal® Kits run with the same thermal cycling conditions.