Product Manual ParoReal® Kit Acarapis woodi |
Material Safety Data Sheet ParoReal® Kit Acarapis woodi |
Background: Acarapis woodi is an endoparasite that colonizes the trachea, respectively the respiratory system of bees. Acarapisosis is listed by the WOAH (World Organisation for Animal Health) as notifiable disease of honeybees and has been found worldwide. Fatal losses of entire apiaries because of high infestation are described. The mite spreads from bee to bee, or through swarming and beekeepers. Infected bees could be asymptomatic or show just a few signs, thus the disease is not easily recognized. Like other arthropod pathogens A. woodi is not easy visible by eyes. In early spring crawling and death bees in front of the hive could be the only sign of infection. Due to this fact and that mites are weakening the immunity of the hives in general, A. woodi might act also as a vector of other bacterial and viral pathogens.
Description: ParoReal® Kit Acarapis woodi is a real-time PCR test for the qualitative detection of the COX1 gene of Acarapis woodi. Our carefully designed primers and probe ensure highest sensitivity and specificity. The kit consists of an assay mix for the detection of the pathogen as well as a positive control and an internal positive control (IPC) system. To minimize PCR cross-contamination, the included reaction mix contains dUTP and uracil-N glycosylase (UNG).
Order Number | Reactions | Channel Pathogen | Channel IPC | Target |
DVEP00713 | 100 | FAM | Cy5 | COX1 gene |
DVEP00753 | 50 | FAM | Cy5 | COX1 gene |
Shipping Temperature: -20 °C to +4 °C
PCR platforms: ParoReal® Kit Acarapis woodi was validated with the ABI® 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System (fast cycle parameters are not supported, Thermo Fisher Scientific) and the QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System (Thermo Fisher Scientific). It is also compatible with other real-time PCR instruments which detect and differentiate fluorescence in FAM and Cy5 channel (eg. QuantStudio™ 5/6/7 Real-Time PCR System (Thermo Fisher Scientific), qTOWER3G (Analytik Jena), Mic instrument (bio molecular systems), cobas z 480 Analyzer (Roche)).