Internal Positive Control Assays

The inclusion of multiple controls provides the basis for correct interpretation of real-time PCR data and is standard in most detection workflows. Errors during sample extraction, the presence of PCR inhibitors or thermocycler malfunctions are common issues but can be easily monitored by including internal positive control systems in your experiments and PCR runs.

ingenetix offers a variety of real-time PCR control solutions allowing tight control of PCR performance. Depending on the experimental set-up, target (DNA or RNA) and detection channel, positive controls are available in different formats and are suitable for all standard real-time PCR systems. Our Control Assays can be used in a multiplex PCR combined with user specific assays. Please note that our real-time PCR products in Kit and Assay format already contain our internal control systems.


ingenetix Internal Positive Control (IPC) Assays

  • DNA/RNA extraction control
  • PCR inhibition control

Internal Positive Control (IPC) Assays are based on the amplification and detection of an internal positive DNA or RNA control target added during extraction and/or to the PCR master mix. The DNA or RNA target is provided in a separate vial within the Assay but can be ordered as well as a stand-alone product.


Internal Postitive DNA Control Assays

Order Number Product Reactions Channel IPC Target
IPCDNA1 Internal Positive DNA Control Assay 1 100 VIC Internal Positive Control DNA Target
IPCDNA3 Internal Positive DNA Control Assay 3 100 Cy5 Internal Positive Control DNA Target
IPCDNAT Internal Positive DNA Control Target 200 -

Internal Postitive RNA Control Assays

Order Number Product Reactions Channel IPC Target
IPCRNA1 Internal Positive RNA Control Assay 1 100 VIC Internal Positive Control RNA Target
IPCRNA3 Internal Positive RNA Control Assay 3 100 Cy5 Internal Positive Control RNA Target
IPCRNAT Internal Positive RNA Control Target 200 -